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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  June 17, 2012 4:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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for the longest time this has been seen as a neck-and-neck race before the pro bailout conservative party and leftist party, anti-bailout party led by their young leader 37-year-old man who appealed to a young voter, young people struggling with the difficult economy in greece. in the end as the evening wore on the conservative party pulled away a little bit and with a 4% lead, all the results are not yet but talking to the country earlier, as you say calling it a victory and a vote for the european and euro course. shortly thereafter, his main contender gave him a call and congratulated him and spoke to the nation about the vote and congratulated again the conservative party. as you just pointed out there is sigh of relief from berlin to
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madrid to paris to rome because so much was riding on this vote because there was concern, as you say, if greece elected a party that was not interested in the bailout conditions, that ultimately it could have led to greece's dropping out of euro zone and then the fear of that contagion spreading across some of the weaker euro zone countries. you will a of that is put to rest now. now, the conservative party needs a coalition government of some sorlts and they wanted tonesh yate with the euro union for austerity measure, certainly they will ask for more time to pay the money back. the conditions in greece are extremely difficult and, yes, we have a victory for the pro bailout party tonight. the conditions will continue to be harsh for the greek people for many years to come. >> gregg: to summarize they will stay in the 17-nation euro zone and keep the euro currency and
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they will continue the steps towards the bailout that preexisted but this doesn't by any means end greece's financial problems, does it? >> reporter: absolutely not, gregg. there are still a large number of economists that say it's still a matter of time until greece will have to eventually go bankrupt and wear out there. >> is lot of pegs optimism out there but tonight at least a small ray of hope. >> gregg: ashley webster, thanks so much. here are some context what is going on in greece. this election seen by a great many people as referendum on greece's membership in the euro zone. in greece there are nearly ten million citizens to vote and they are sharply divided by age. half the voters are between the ages of 28-29 or over the age of 66.
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this is greece's second election in two months. back in may competing parties were unable to form a coalition government. the winner of today's election has already proposed a coalition government. >> heather: anxiety, suspicion and worry dominate as egypt begins the final tally of a presidential runoff election. they had to choose between a former member of the hosni mubarek regime or a candidate who says he is running for god. it was like picking the lesser of two evils. leland vitter is streaming live from a polling station. >> reporter: the arabic saying i have two choices, both of which are bitter. egyptian people have chosen and now is the time to counted the votes. go ahead and take a look. you can see they are doing all by hand. this is egypt's first presidential election. they are learning as they go.
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here at this polling station inside the ballot box we had about 2,000 ballots. 3500 people registered to vote and we were here as folks cast their ballots. >> fathers brought sons to vote in egypt's first attempted at dempsey. >> i brought my son. >> the idea of free and fair election has taken a lot of work. privacy screens still have shipping labels on them. they have had to figure out how to design the ballots. right here illiteracy they put pictures of each candidate and then also their name. 40% of the women here can't read or write. the other thing they have to figure out how to design ballot boxes. it used to not matter but now
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they will have to figure out how to count all these and announce the results. >> before we were standing at tip of president's finger now he is reaching for our finger. >> in poor neighborhoods muslim brotherhood turned out dozens of women to line up in the hot june sun. contrast to that wealthy neighborhoods that seemed low at best. you walk in 18 years old you voted. who did you vote for? how did it make you feel? >> guilty, i don't know, really. less works than two worst choices. >> reporter: as you heard there are a lot of young people who are certainly trying hard to bring back to the stability and promises of a better economic future. questions will be answered when all the ballots are counted
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whether more egyptians simply believed in the old regime coming back and stability that it provided or whether they want a new chance of the muslim brotherhood but there are number of secular egyptians and muslims that are very concerned about a muslim brotherhood president turning egypt the mother. arab world into an islamic state. >> heather: i'm watching those folks hand count those votes behind you. what types of security measures are in place and really who is monitoring it in terms of counting those votes? >> reporter: as for security measures, there may be a padlock on the door. there is not a lot. egypt is trying to learn as it goes. the congressman that was observing there is nothing such as a perfect election. there have been a lot of charges of voter frauder and intimidation. that is one of the big questions will egyptians many who don't support either candidate accept
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either wins. half the people we talked to yes going to believe the results. the other half if the other winnings they will be back in the square protesting once again. it's simply going to be a battle who gets the votes but also for the hearts and minds of every egyptian that has faith in the results. >> heather: thanks very much reporting from cairo for us. >> gregg: the man at the center of the l.a. riots rodney king is dead found in a swimming pool this morning at the age of 47. he became a national symbol of police brutality back in 1991. he was videotaping and beaten by four lapd officers. those offered involved were acquitted the following year that verdict led to the devastating and violent los angeles riots. california police conducting a an investigation but no foul play is suspected. we're going to have a lot more a
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bit later on from los angeles. stay tuned for that. >> heather: the search has ended for four climbers in alaska. their five man team when disaster struck the japanese team. one man survived after tumbling 60 feet but the other four disappeared. >> gregg: on to thailand where two canadian sisters have been found dead in their hotel room at an island hotel. their bodies transported back to the mainland for forensic examination. they were actually found by a maid at the hotel. police say there were no signs of struggle and nothing was missing from the room but officials there say there was vomit and traces of blood suggesting that perhaps the women died of some sort of poisoning. >> a third round of critical nuclear talks about iran expected to begin tomorrow in moscow. the chief nuclear negotiator will meet with six world powers
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including the u.s. western powers wants iran to stop enriching high grade uranium that could be used for nuclear weapons. iran says it's for peaceful purposes and wants international sanctions lifted. expectations are low that a deal will be reached. >> gregg: and now to politics and race for the white house. governor mitt romney lashing out on the new policy allowing young illegal i will grants to stay in the united states. governor romney calling it a political move but high stopped short of saying he would overturn it. steve is live in washington with more. >> reporter: g.o.p. candidate mitt romney accusing obama by playing politics by announcing in it an election year that would a plan that would benefit young latinos. he said politics is a big part
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of the equation and promised to take action if he is elected president. >> i would come into office and say we need to get this done in on a long term basis. what the president did, he should have worked on this years ago if he felt serious about this he should have taken action when he had a democratic house and senate but he didn't. he saves these things four and a half months before the election. >> it will reflect latinos but a campaign advise forepresident obama said this is not a political move. it's a reaction to republicans failure to pass the dream act which would have achieved roughly the same goal. many 6 accused the president of overstepping his bounds but plus said the move is legal and option is clear if romney wins the election. >> president romney if he was elected is not going to fix our immigration system. he has been clear about that. you watch for republican debate,
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many of them on your network where he was very clear he would veto the dream act. >> reporter: president said the new policy would affect as many as 800,000 young immigrants. >> gregg: steve, thanks very much. >> heather: fox extreme weather, crews fighting a vicious deadly wildfire in northern colorado bracing for powerful winds. high park fire is burning miles from fort collins as described as the most destructive fire in colorado history. destroying more than 180 homes. a small army fights the flames. take a listen. >> we've had around 1600 people working on this fire, that includes 118 fire engines, 38 crews. 17 helicopters.
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five heavy air tankers and six other fixed wing aircraft. >> heather: right now the fire is only about 45% contained. is there any lasting relief in sight? >> gregg: big story today, greek people 6 spoken so what happens next? this election kicking off a critical period for the world competent and now will struggling european nations confront their debt crises or fall deeper into recession? >> heather: and concert stage crumbling. police identifying the victims. latest developments in this investigation is up next. >> they were setting up when the top portion of the stage collapsed on top of them. my understanding there were a number of people on the stage.
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unfortunately four people were hurt. the remainder of the people when they heard the stage coming down ran from the area. [ male announcer ] this is sheldo whose long day setting up the news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news.
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>>. >> heather: welcome back. time for a quick check of the headlines, crisis in syria intensifying, 11 people according to reports and dozens were injured when the syrian army launched new attacks today. police in toronto identifying the four victims in the radio head stage collapse. stage hand were setting up the show when the accident happened. one man was killed. the concert was cancelled. police in new york city shutting down a nightclub where kris brown and rapper drake got into a bottle throwing brawl. brown and some of his group were among the eight injured during the fight last week. >> gregg: the greece elections voters deciding to stick with the european union. electing the conservative party over a socialist party that wanted to reject international
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bailouts. there are several other events around that are still on tap during the next several weeks that could have major repercussions for u.s. economy. michael seymour is president of uni private wealth strategies. look. europe's problems could weigh down among other things u.s. exports. i looked it up today. 20% of all u.s. exports go to europe. if that drops, would that have a devastating impact on america's g.d.p.? >> certainly our g.d.p. to start with is nothing fantastic. these are why the events the metrics like you just said, that is what weighs on the stock market right now is u.s. companies that do business overseas. it's not just with europe, what
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about the recent comments on china slowing down, india slowing down, brazil slowing down? it's out there. there is a challenge. >> gregg: it's not just g.d.p. and equity markets. if it worked for a company that relies on european exports, your job is at risk. this could up shtick the unemployment numbers? >> not only is your job at risk which is great point that you made but those same companies, think how reluctant they are going to be to hire any new people which is going to keep unemployment high. that has been a very big overhang why the job market hasn't gotten any better. >> gregg: already the european crisis has been a big drain on u.s. automeasures. what is less known is what investments u.s. companies have through rather complex financial arrangements, hedge funds, default swaps and insurance, that could take a nosedive,
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right? >> you know, that is a huge amount of money, bigger than anything else, the value of derivatives which is complicated terms for the equivalent of nuclear arsenals. things like that can go south in a hurry. you just saw very smart bank j.p. morgan got hit for a couple billion dollars on one of the more complicated transactions. they can do damage. >> gregg: equity markets, global equity markets, are highly reactive to events taking place in europe. so if banks and multinational can companies and exporters take something in europe, our viewers the average investors here in the united states will they begin losing money as well? >> it's been hard, more so necessarily losses and things like that. it's the volatility that affects
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not only regular people with a 401-k and normal workers but the investment professionals alike. if you look at the returns of hedge funds and mutual funds, it's very hard to cover up the ball right now and it's extremely easy to get things wrong. i think right now it's very challenging environment. you need to be positioned accordingly. >> gregg: there are pictures from athens and moments ago we were talking with our correspondent ashley webster. he said, look, notwithstanding the betting money greece will have to bail out of the euro, go back to the dracma. michael, could that trigger a financial crisis or a panic across europe that would hit the united states? >> anything can translate.
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years ago we had what we called the asian contagion. anything anything can translate overseas, that's for sure. it depends on a number of things shoucht market pricing in that this could happen. i think there is a difference between rumor and reality. if something like that happens even if might be a weaker economy, then it's going to be fixated is italy next, is spain next? then you have one or two countries. >> gregg: domino effect. >> that could be very dangerous. >> gregg: i was going through some of the numbers today, they probably don't reflect the true numbers, our country's five biggest houses have billions of dollars in credit risks, greece, portugal, italy, ireland and spain. if things turn sour in those countries, would our banks then
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tighten credit to small businesses here in the united states. if they can't readily get loans they could be out of business? >> that is the very interesting point you bring up. i hadn't quite thought of it that way, but i will tell you this. as we saw in 2008 and 2009 when banks get hurt and when the balance sheets get hurt, they will absolutely react to that. so if they got hurt and it changes, i can bet they won't lend as much money as easily as they might normally. i don't think they are lending so easily right now. that points in more conservative posture, absolutely going to hurt us over here. >> gregg: a lot of people do look at this, my goodness, i would like to get a return on my investment, but, cds and money
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markets, they are making less than 1 percent, i might well invest in the stock market. what do you say to those folks? >> that is really big trap right now. interest rates on the aaa insured investments, money markets, u.s. treasurys are very low, less than 1 percent, sometimes way less than 1 percent. people throw up their hands, i might as well put it in the stock market. with everything you and i talked about, your program has been airing in a lot of places today, there is a lot of uncertainty in this world. there is a price for safety right now and that price is very low returns on the safest investments but the fact that those interest rates are so low the markets are telling you that you need to be aware that there
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is uncertainty. there is challenge and sometimes you need to punt. >> gregg: sometimes you need to put it under your mattress or between the two mattresses. good to see you. thanks so much. >> heather: coming up, police investigating the death of rodney king. take a look at the man that unexpectedly tipped the scale on racial tensions 20 years ago. a live report from l.a. coming up next. >> we could get results from egypt's presidential elections any moment. the effect they could have worldwide and already talk of a new revolution. no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem.
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laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] get the mileage card with special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. >>. >> heather: bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. republican presidential candidate governor mitt romney holding a three-stop bus tour of
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ohio, first stop was a pancake breakfast in honor of father's day. >> president obama will be in washington this evening for the g-20 summit in mexico preparing for it. the talks are expected to be dominated by talks of the financial crisis in europe. >> heather: newt gingrich addressing to a republican convention in montana. he urged them to vote for mitt romney in the fall election. >> gregg: getting some new information on the death of rodney king. he was the man videotaped being beaten by lapd officers back in 1991 in an incident that later led to the los angeles race riots. his body was found at the bottom of a swimming pool this morning. they are now doing an autopsy. anita has the latest. >> reporter: rodney king became a household name after the
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images of his beating were played on newscasts throughout the country. today we have learned he has died at the age of 47. police confirm they found an unresponsive king in the pool of his realto california home after receiving a call from his fiancee. they performed cpr. he was later pronounced dead at a local hospital. preliminary cause of death is drowning. king aways widely viewed beating followed by the acquittal of the officers involved sparked the deadly riots in los angeles that left 55 people dead and more than 2,000 injured. at the height of the violence, king went on television with this plea. >> people, i just want to say, you know, can we all get along? can we all get along? >> reporter: five years later in 1997 king sat down with injury rally do to discuss what he had
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said. >> do you think you'll always can remembered for the videotape but by your famous words on the night the riot broke out or the next night, can't we all get along? >> that is what i would like to be remembered. >> what do you think, can we get all get along? >> of course. i work on it every day. i always get along with people, being a part of my community, working with kids. yes, we can get along. >> reporter: just two months ago at a book signing here in los angeles, king said the same thing, when he is dead and gone, that is how he wants to be remembered, someone that said those words during that time. can't we all get along? they believe there was no foul play in his death and autopsy will be conducted over the next several days. >> gregg: he had several run-ins with the law after that
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incident. he has had a troubled life but rodney king dead at the age of 47. thanks very much, anita. >> heather: reports there is already talk of a new revolution in egypt. the first election of its kind in the nation's history but the turnout and enthusiasm is low. some going actually to the beach instead of the polls. many disillusioned with the election. here is one opinion. >> i don't believe in islamic country. i believe in a liberal country. i am a muslim but i will not give my vote to the muslim brotherhood. >> heather: so is voter unhappiness going to cause more trouble no matter who is elected. and author can america have another great president?
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thank you for joining us first of all. january 25th, 2011, nationwide protests against the government against hosni mubarek begin. tens of thousands gathered and thousands in egypt. we were here covering it. f-16 flying over tahrir square. is egypt on the brink of another full on revolution. will we see it happen again? >> i'm not sure the initially it was a revolution. it was more of a regime change. what the last year plus has shown is that the regime change opened up some political space with the best organized parties, entrenched parties, muslim brotherhood and islamists continued to maneuver for power. in a situation in which egypt is
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probably less secure now and less prosperous it was under mubarak, but the reality is hardly a revolution. its competition for power and i think many egyptians are tired of it. many want stability and security and perhaps are willing to surrender or trade off some of the enthusiasm of tahrir square not to return to the bad days but to return to some hope and prosperity. that is what i think explains the lack of voter enthusiasm. >> heather: what role should the u.s. play as we watch the events unfold this time? >> we were never a central actor in this drama. we write a check of $1.5 billion to the egyptian military and have since the camp david accord to secure the peace and make a strong and close relationship
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with egypt. the debate will be how to use that money, there is a waiver already attached to its provision but whether or not if the egyptian military does not give power to the civilian government, new legislative elections whether or not to use money, to withdraw or hold it as a lever. it will be a difficult choice. we'll trade no influence for less than that. congress is going to have part of this. the israelis are going to want clearly for us to continued that military assistance. the president and the united states over the near term is going to be faced with a very difficult situation. these transition, syria, libya, egypt are going to be long movies and it's going be a while. >> heather: with what is going on today, a lot of what you
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spoke about is contingent on what happens today. the supreme court ruled on thursday to dissolve the newly elected parliament. that was dominated by the muslim brotherhood and allow ousted leader hosni mubarek last prime minister to run in this week's presidential race. so we have divisive presidential election without a parliament or a new constitution. what will be the result? >> you are going to have a president. that president, if the elections are certified free and fair is going to face a situation in which you are going to have the military to contend with. let's be clear: the military is dominant power in this country. military controls anywhere from 10-30% of the economy. they control all of the national decision-making in the country and they are also responsible for security. so the new president is going to be sandwiched between a powerful
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military and an islamic movement that feels itself cheated and deprived out of what they consider to be an rightly were fair and free elections. the maneuvering will continue and the victim here is going to be most of the egyptian people and hopes for peace and prosperity in this country i suspect. >> heather: we're running out of time. i know you wanted to talk about syria and u.s. involvement there and iran coming up tomorrow, talks continued in moscow about their nuclear ambition. >> again, it's a tough one. the options are stark. military option or accept the proposition that iran will continue to have the capacity to enrich uranium because the iranians have that capacity today and no agreement in moscow frankly, is going to stop that. in syria the situation it will get worse before it gets worse. the actions for an american president is to stand and watch, massacres and these wars on
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television is going to be harder and harder to resist. we have to be clear. if we decide to interseed military airline we're thousands of peacekeepers and billions of dollars to put syria back together. i'm not sure anybody frankly wants that. >> heather: in the meantime, we're watching up to 14,000 people killed, many women and innocent children. thank you so much for your insight. >> gregg: new fallout from a series of high level security leaks. white house with the strongest reaction today. how might it play in this upcoming election? fair and balanced debate coming next. our cloud is not soft and fluffy.
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>>. >> heather: welcome back. a top white house advisor on growing call for an independent investigation into national
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security leaks. david plus telling chris wallace that the president is committed to fighting terrorism and would never compromise that. >> these are the folks who have waged a relentless and effective efforts against al-qaeda and leadership. we have decimated most of the leadership including bin laden. national security information is so critical for a president and administration making the right decisions, nobody takes it more seriously than the president of the united states. >> forgive me its yes or no question. did the president declassify any information? >> of course he didn't. >> he did not, okay. >> heather: now joining us, thanks for joining us. so sally, no, of course he did not. those are the words from david
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pluff but mr. the american people believe him and if they don't get the leak scandal under control how will it affect them? >> i think we're jumping to conclusions to call it to a scandal. i want to draw a distinction for providing information that was previously not public that forces to journalists that happens every day and leaking classified information. there is a huge difference. so clearly here, members of the administration, possibly without the administration's permission or against their wishes went and leaked information that was not previously known publicly. that is very different an accusing the administration of intentionally leaking classified information for political gain. there is no evidence of that and more over a very insulting charge for the president of the united states. >> heather: what is your take?
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>> the question here is whether or not it was classified. even it wasn't classified given the sources and methods used would it endangering future operations. if that is proven to be the case which i don't their it will, but president obama could be in trouble in november because he is pandering in an effort to play up his national security credentials. >> he is making a set of assumptions that did happen here. that is point of investigation to find out if they did. it's very different from the case of valerie plame. the minute that information hit the public we knew it was classified information. that was clearly classified information that was only flown by a set of political figures and it was clearly released for political reasons to hurt her husband. that was an open and shut case. this looks to me and looks to most people that are good sound journalists and investigative reports like careful stories
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pieced together by a number of sources that didn't involve classified information. >> heather: i want to jump in. members of congress they are taking this very seriously, much more seriously you seem to think it is. some are calling for a special council to be appointed to investigate it. >> frankly i think eric holder would do the administration a favor if he appointed special counsel in this case it would remove any appearance that they were trying to block a future scale investigation and protect anybody in the administration who may have leaked. >> heather: quickly, both of your takes, ford you go first? >> senator lieberman is right. if the administration wants to nip they will put out a special counsel. they have something to hide and they are trying to run out the clock. question is whether more will
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come out. >> the attorney general has already appointed two u.s. attorneys including independent -- >> under supervision. >> to investigate this. number two, this is sort of a classic republicans trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and say something is really wrong here. >> that is why dianne feinstein is calling for a hearing, as well. >> ford and i can agree where president and senator feinstein is there was a leak of classified information we should be outraged and criminal charges, that is clear. look, this happens all the time. this is investigative journalism. >> heather: i have to wrap you up. thank you very much. >> gregg: police zap a pregnant woman with a stun gun over a parking ticket. can you believe that? the woman is filing a federal lawsuit looking for damages. did the cops go too far?
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>>. >> heather: new reaction to the obama administration during a course of critics calling for an
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independent investigation to a string of national security leaks. peter doocy has more on it from washington. >> president obama did not declassify any information that leaked out according to white house advisor david pluff but he declined to say this morning whether list boss, the president will ever be interviewed by investigators. he said to let the u.s. attorneys hand picked by the justice department do their job. >> two united states attorneys will look every rock here. this ought to be investigated thoroughly. we olgtd to wait for the results. >> reporter: he said there is no need for an independent prosecutor even back in 2006 then senator obama opined about the jack abramoff case, a special counsel will ensure confidence in the prosecution and help restore faith in government. that was six years ago. this morning, connecticut senator joe lieberman said this. >> we do need a special counsel.
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we need a special counsel avoids any appearance of conflict of interest. special counsels, independent counsels were created for a situation exactly like this. >> arizona republican senator jon kyl said the best way for president obama to avoid the appearance of politics in this investigation is to appoint a special prosecutor independent of the justice department and of attorney general holder who he said is a political figure in this administration. >> heather: thanks, peter. >> gregg: the man who found himself at the very center of one of the most destructive riots in american history is dead. the latest on the death of rodney king the legacy he leaves behind. begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye.
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>>gregg: new details on the woman who was tazed by chicago police last week. she is filing a federal lawsuit for undisclosed damages. the case coming on the heels of the supreme court ruling that let stand a lower court decision in that case police could be liable for the inappropriate use of tasers. take a listen. >> someone was hot to trot, the chicago police department. >>gregg: and now our legal
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panel, good to see you both. this is a situation in which i suspect there is no disagreement police should not use stun guns or tasers on pregnant women. all for a parking violation. that is all it was. that is what is crazy. she was not even a criminal. it was a packing violation. her kids were in the car. she did a stun gun? totally wrong. all there were other options. she ripped up the ticket and threw it at police officer. no reason to taser the woman. he could give her a summons or if she sped off, take a picture. >>gregg: the interesting thing, lis, the police officers has all the information he needs. the vehicle identification number. the license plate number. >> they can send it in the mail not that i gotten a ticket in the mail. >>gregg: and it is at wall greens filled with videotape surveillance in the parking lot. >> found bite of the attorney
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representing the plaintiff. take a listen. >> this should not be the policy of the chicago police department to use takers in a situation not life threatening to the officers and not over a parking dispute. >>gregg: your issue is, you should not use a taser in any circumstance regarding either a moving violation or a parking ticket. >>guest: it does not matter if the person is pregnant or not. it is excessive use of force. absolutely unnecessary. >> if there was something violent going on, stopping a crime. a real crime. rather than a parking ticket. but this woman, eight months president pregnant, clearly pregnant. two children in the car, and for a packing violation? she will be tasered? that is crazy. >> it was not even a moving violation. a parking ticket. not to say the moving violation warranted.
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>>gregg: the seattle case of a woman seven months pregnant, it went to the 9th circuit court air -- of appeals, she resisted arrest and refused to sign the speeding ticket, that the high court said did not justify the use of a taser not once, twice, but three times. >> and the officers talked about it. they kept tasering her. i believe there are different modes and they used them harshly. >>gregg: what going on with the police officers? >> power. >> big problem. >>gregg: look, i have the greatest admiration and respect. we all do. unconscious me husband is a police officer. >>gregg: who would he say? >> i asked him at breakfast and he was that was excessive force. >>gregg: you could argue that
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rogue cops do not represent what police officers do. >> but look at damages two kids in the calculate eight months pregnant. she will be worried about the child. the two kids that saw that. this could be big damages. >> she would have an issue with proving damages. there could be emotional distress, but if the baby comes out fine, or she had in physical injuries, make --. >>gregg: but sometimes as a mother you worry, i may not know for several years whether there is any cognitive impairment. >> and to worry about that. happy father's day, gregg. >>gregg: appreciate it. good to have you both. >> hello, welcome to a brand new
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our inside america's news headquarters. topping the news this hour, the greek people have spoken. and the world breathe as sigh of relief. the fallout the today's election and the impact on the stock market. and why this could be the toughest year in decades for american teenagers looking for work. how to make a young person's summer productive regardless of the economy. and our health and fitness expert with the greatest gift for dad: a new way to help your father have a happy, healthy life. but, first, we begin with the death of cod knee ring whose 1991 beating by police sparked one of the biggest and most destructive race riots in united states history. this morning his fiance discovered his body at bottom of a swimming pool at their home. he was 47. he brought the issue of police brutality to the forefront when pulled over by a high speed chase and beaten by baton wielding officers and it was
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videotaped by bystanders and shown around the prompting a fierce national debate on race relations. and now the latest from los angeles. >>reporter: it was early this morning the police department got a call from rodney king's fiance saying he was at 9 bottom of the swimming pool. he is known to be after avid swimmer but police arrived at the scene and found him unresponsive in the water and performed cpr until the paramedics got there and he was taken to a local hospital and he was pronounced dead. >> the officers found him and physically went to the pool to rescue him and they pulled him from the pool he was unresponsive. it appears that this is a drowning and there was no obvious sign of foul play. >>reporter: in the go decades after becoming the central figure in the riots he was arrested several times mostly for alcohol related crimes.
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he bake an author writing about his life since riots and just two months ago at a book signing in los angeles he had this to say. >> can we all get along in simple. why can't we all get along? can i try and do like rodney king? can i find me some peace of mind by being humble. i know i'm in a bad situation, but let me think this out. let me give some time and think how i will go about doing this. can we all get along? that's how i would like to be remembered after i'm dead and gone. >>reporter: no doubt that will an big part of his legacy. police say there was in signs of alcohol or any drugs at the scene and they are conducting an investigation but at this point, they believe it was probably an accident. we, get more details certainly
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over the next few days. >>heather: thank you from loss anxious. thank you. >>gregg: now to the extreme weather center, power will winds expected to give firefighters big trouble today in colorado with gusts up to 50 miles per hour expected right now. more than 1,how battling -- 1,600 battling the fires considered the most destructive in state history. and now maria is in the fox weather center. maria: happy father's day to you. good to see you on this sunday. unfortunately, we are looking at bad weather for the southwest as far as helping out the firefighters put at the fires across colorado and in new mexico so we have very dry conditions. very low humidity levels across the region. but the problem started already months ago. including the state of new mexico, colorado, and arizona, where we have been seeing a lack of moisture across this region
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and we currently are under severe to extreme drought so we are just looking at the dry brush already in place, once the fires get going they continue to go because they have all of that fuel in place. and because it is still dry out here, we have the low humidity and very warm temperatures and very strong wind we have a number of fire weather watches today and some of the areas will see this in effect tomorrow. including southern parts of california, nevada, utah, colorado, and the state of wyoming and you can see a little bit of that spilling into parts of the central plains across western portions of nebraska. a lot of dry conditions out here. the reason why it is so windy we have an approaching cold front in that system and ahead of you that you strong winds from the southwest not a lost moisture today but a little bit less than yesterday. but, the thunderstorms as we know that is bad news across the region when it is so dry because if you get lightning, that could spark up while fire and our
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computer models print out strong winds monday and tuesday but thing people to die down late in tuesday into wednesday so that will help out. and we could be looking at the slightly cooler temperatures because that front. so that is a little bit of good news but not the greatest. >>gregg: we will take whatever we can get. thank you, maria. >> governor romney, today, calling president obama's new policy to allow some young illegal immigrants to stay right here in the united states a "politically motivated decision in an election year." the governor romney would not exactly say if he would overturn the order if elected president. and now like in washington, dc, with more. steve? >>reporter: that debate over immigration took the sunday airwaves today with the president's action to help young undocumented iment agrees coming under attack from g.o.p. ran date romney who was not clear if he would rescind the order if
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elected. but, he did criticize the president's motivation. >> i think the timing is pretty clear f he really wanted to make a solution that dealt with the kids or with illegal immigration in america, this is something he would have taken up in his first 3 1/2 years not in the last few months. >> so he did it for politics in. >> that is a big part of the equation. >>reporter: the president's plan would halt the deportation of immigrant children who came to the united states with parents and who are now in school. romney said this action would be overtaken by other events. the president, who has said in the past he would not support a presidential directive on immigration, made the announcement on friday. the top campaign advisor said today that the move is not politically motivated and is in the authority of the president.
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>> our attorney, the homeland security attorneys, are confident that this is in our authority. to use some discretion. this builds on a series of steps we have taken to make sure that we are focusing on tough border security and not just people who are trying to live the american dream. >>reporter: this is similar to the dream act which failed to pass congress amid republican opposition. >>gregg: thank you, steve, in washington, dc. >>heather: the greek people voting a conservative party into power ensuring that for now, greece will remain in the euro zone, and easing deep world fears of a possible economic tsunami. fox business network is streaming live from athens, and he joins us now. what does this mean for global markets? >>reporter: well, i think it is good news for global markets,
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no doubt. they were very concerned as you alluded to, that if greece election when the wrong way and they fell out of the euro zone, that could have a contagious effect, but we do not have to worry about that for now with the conservative new democracy party coming out on top, so, world markets will be cheered by that and central banks at the end of the last week have said if the election didn't go as hoped they would be prepared to take action to tablize the market. we will not need that. we heard the euro has strengthened against the dollar in trading in australia up 1 percent, a sign of things to come. we will see the markets moving higher both here and in europe and in the united states. >>heather: what does this mean for greece? >>reporter: well, it is interesting, we have seen fireworks going off. about the night life, and i think there is joy but this is a vote based on fear. fear of the unknown.
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fear that if they drop out of the euro zone, life could become almost catastrophic. but, be clear: this country is in its 5th year of recession. the unemployment rate close to 23 percent, jobs are very hard to find, we are hearing numerous stories of workers just not being paid. hospitals running out of money, and so on and so on. life is difficult. and just because of this vote today doesn't mean that the things are going to get easier in the short-term. >>heather: thank you, from athens. >>gregg: the family of murdered virginia tech student launching a new campaign "help save the next girl," after disappearing in 2009 after a concert. her body was found in a field three months later and her family is hoping new efforts will help other families from suffering as they have. and now the details from new york.
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>>reporter: $150,000 in reward money from crimestoppers and the government hopes to get a tip leading to the capture. 209-year-old family hopes to save the next girl with a new campaign, the cause reminds young girls to stay in groups, be aware of surroundings, do not drink teach and trust instincts. this help save the next girl is airing in virginia with the hope of national support. the f.b.i. released a sketch saying the suspect has been linked to a 2005 sexual assault that happened in a neighboring county. her mother is encouraging other parents to talk to their young girls about safety. >> we have been very open about our loss and about our anguish. and about sharing her story because i think that when you look in the face of someone
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would has been cut down in the bloom of their life, that transcends and is better than any lecture. >>reporter: the lead guitarist of the group lab -- has been very help 68 since they went missing. the group and the f.b.i. and state police have a separate campaign using this psa to try and catch the killer. this effort is designed to develop new leads similar techniques have led to the arrests of other violent criminals like the east coast rapist and "most wanted," fugitives. >>gregg: thank you. >>heather: u.s. teams are the latest victims in the unemployment crisis with more than half still unable to find a job. so what can you do to give your teen an inch this summer? we have expert times straight ahead. egypt is weighing results of the first ever presidential election. but why are so many abandoning
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any hope of reform brought open by last year's uprising? greater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's
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laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] get the mileage card with special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in.
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>>heather: if your teenager is sitting home looking bored, 2012
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is the toughest year for 16 to 19-year-olds to get a job since world war ii. true. seven out of ten are unemployed. so well talk about this with president of wealth strategy and joining us now. thank you for joining us. >>guest: thank you for having me. >>heather: this is a big problem and not being discussed. why is that? >>guest: well, great question. i do not know why. i think it's really unfortunate that it is not. my challenge to all our politicians and business executives, to start thinking of this important group of people. because it is the future of this country. i would like to hear something being said. >>heather: you say we should classify the future of our country into two different groups. in terms those looking for jobs. >>guest: i have added a third after talking with scott at studio. the first group is those that are looking for something to do,
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perhaps, where the income from the summer job is not important. that would be someone that is looking for something from a resume or looking to do something to stay busy. for those people that have the luxury of maybe you can go and intern somewhere for free, maybe you can leverage your existing family, relatives, or show up at the office building and knock on doors. no one likes to work for free. but, heaven forbid, ask mom and dad if you can help around the house, or work on improving yourself. these are some things that if you don't need the income. the next group is a much harder group. here's the young people that really do need the income. whether it be to start their own future. or to raise their own family. to help their own families. it is a challenging market out there. i can give you a couple of suggestions.
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number one, take what you can. even if it is less than you think is, that you deserve, and then keep trying to upgrade from a position of strength. secondly, expand your geographic area. no one likes to drive an hour each way or an hour and a half each way to work, especially with gas prices where they are, but maybe that is something you have to do. depending on the state laws, regulations in the state you live that set minimum age laws, maybe you look at something outside the box, like direct selling or network marketing. there, it is competitive out there. do not take the rejection seriously. >>heather: that advice, that is advice adults can use in the job market, basically, boiling down to try harder, be more creative. >>guest: well, again, it is not easy, but, remember, someone is getting a job. as we speak.
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why is it that it is one person over the other? in this environment it will be normally the person that tries a little bit harder, is willing to work for a little bit less to get inside the door and that third group i was talking about that my hard goes out to, as well, those that are thinking about do i try to enter the workforce now or do i try, do i go do college and take on a lost student loans and then hope things are better down the road. so, these are three groups my heart goes out to but i promise if you do not give up, there are jobs out there, and there will be something for you. >>heather: why do you think as you wrap this us, the drop in teen employment is steeper than other groups? >>guest: it is a big deal but i think what we have here is this is the trickle down effect of what happens when you compress the amount of jobs being offered and you expand the amount of people looking for
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job. so you have high unemployment. people that were executives, perhaps, men and women, that, you know, have to take much lower-paying jobs. or lesser jobs, if you will, just to put any kind of food on their family's plate, so you are getting the teenagers are getting squeezed out by people that may have, you know, five or 10 years' experience on them. and, i think that's why. >>heather: do not give up to the teens. thank you, michael. >>gregg: do you have a job as a teenager? >>heather: a couple. i was a babysitter. >>gregg: you can maybe big money these days. my daughters come home with $80 in their hand. unbelievable $10 an hour. >>heather: maybe a side job for you. previewing a presidential debate battle, president obama and governor romney in the state
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state on the same day hammering home the same issue. who has the message and the substance to win over the voters [ woman ] for the london olympic games, our town had a "brilliant" idea.
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support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ and get even greater rewards. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing...
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had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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>>heather: the bottom of the hour and time for the top of the news. china making history launching a shuttle with the first female astronaut. she and two colleagues will build a permanent space station. a massive turn out for the funeral of the heir to the saudi throne, the cause of death still being kept under wraps. and rielle hunter spilling new secrets of her affair with former presidential candidate john edwards saying he expected to go to a so-called country club prison if convicted for misusing campaign contributions.
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>>gregg: a chance for clear comparisons in the race if the white house. president obama and governor romney delivering dueling economic speeches in ohio on the same day. how do the messages stack up? here they are. >> you want to give the policies of the last decade another try, you should vote for mr. romney. >> he has been president for 3 1/2 years. and talk is cheap. >>gregg: let's bring in the campaign insider, doug schoen, pat caddell, and john boots -- leboutillier a former republican congressman of great note in the great state of new york. congressman, let me start with you,, -- dueling economic
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speeches. depressing. >> they refuse to take the lead and say enough of dumping on the other side. i'm now going to tell you what i will do. not what is bad about the other guy's message, let me tell you, here is what i will do and spell out the specifics to revive the economy. >>gregg: who does that first? >> the guy that does it first is going to go ahead. >>gregg: pat? >> this is, it was unconvincing about the speeches, and looking at it from the perspective of the incumbent, you have to say what is going on here? it make me think they never looked at 1980. we gave a speech called "two futures," that is what they are running out. a speech that is, as you mentioned, which was panned by everyone including his media supporters, and the next thing hands off on it.
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but this was 55 minutes of i'm not involved vote against him. it was just incumbent has no message. >> and romney is george bush iii that is the other message. >>gregg: pat mentioned the liberal commentators ripped into the president. "politico" begging the president stop the speech before it is over, one of the worse speeches he ever gave they said. the president gave americans a falsehood rap in a fallacy. ouch. >> both pat and john are absolutely right. what is going on now, is both romney and president obama are attacking. romney has a better hand to play because elections are referendum on the incumbent but, he, too, has not offered a vision for the future and president obama, greg, you just can't run a negative campaign for a year and hope for the best. >>gregg: was eight gaffe to admit the gaffe was gaffe?
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he said that the president economy is doing fine spending a week saying i didn't really mean that, and then admitted it was a gaffe. >> here is the problem. that was a gaffe. it was a mistake. but the larger issue he is not saying, look, mcconnell, john boehner, come to the white house and deal with the problem and the economy. >> but it is the substance. it is george bush iii and he doesn't mention, a 54 minute speech he mentions deficit once at the end as though it is not a issue. back to what the public is say, what are you doing? what we are doing is great. what i am doing is great. spend more money. >>gregg: does romney feel it is such a referendum on the president he doesn't need to get out there and saying in new and different and lead. >> that is what he is thinking and the campaign is reinforcing that by doing nothing. up to a point. but there is a group of voters
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in the middle, i think, that are in the end they want do vote for someone as much as vote against someone. the way you run for office will determine how you do in office. a president who doesn't run on something will be a failed president. >>gregg: and now the president on friday, the big announcement on immigration. take a listen. >> this morning, secretary napolitano announced new actions my administration will take to mends our nation's immigration policy, to make it more fair, more efficient, and more just. specifically, for certain young people sometimes called dreamers >>gregg: it may work, in key states, with huge hispanic populations? >> this was a move like the gay marriage initiative. a straightforward play for votes, the president has
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suggested, he is giving up the center, not talking deficit reduction. it is to maximize the hispanic vote and not even an executive order but acting by husband own fiat and bottom line, pure politics. >>gregg: congressman, three times last year the president said he did not have the authority to do this and now he is doing it. >> there is a lot here. why didn't he do this when he had congressional control in 2009 and 2010? and he is running the risk, i think, obama, of having people, especially his own supporters, say, my god, this man will do anything to get relative elected. >> that is the point. that is what the numbers are showing. we saw it as doug suggested on gay marriage, 67 percent say no, this was not principle, this is politics. we have seen it in the, on the leak scandal. 73 percent thought the leaks hurt national security and half thought it would hurt "bomb. and it is, short-term, the policy makes sense, but the
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notion i can do this after i don't have the power, now i will, all it looks ... >>gregg: "new york times" view poll of illegal immigrant, 43 percent say apply. 32 percent say must leave jobs in the united states. and 21 percent say stay as guest workers. and now gallup poll, the focus is, look at the different numbers between 2006 and 2012. >> here is what has happened. >> both opinion in the middle want to crackdown on illegals. there is real concern about that. the obama administration has made a political determination, pat is right, what they are going to do is just emphasize a pathway to citizenship for those young illegals who have come and been productive citizens. it is politics. they are not playing to the voters to the middle. that is what is going on.
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>> and he is trying to preempt what was coming this week which is senator rubio possible v.p. choice has his book coming out and he is promoting the dream act, too, a more popular version of the dream act, which includes this stuff in it. >>gregg: does it put romney in a tough spot? he could alienate his base or --. >> i thought, i watched him on the interview today and he wasn't jumping, he is being very cautious and he said they difficulty wrong, and opened the door to support rubio which most people might do. but, the thing that she have, you can see it in the numbers it goes back to the point we are making they decided to sacrifice the center. because they are going to try to gin the base, and this is called europeaning your own house. >>gregg: back in a flash.
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>>heather: greece elect add conservative government. which means it will stick with the euro zone for now. what does it mean for the future of your investments at home? of your investments at home? that is ahead. ortho home defen. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. ortho home defense max. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum.
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>>heather: a quick check of the headlines. crews battling a massive wildfire in colorado racing against strong winds which is the most destructive wildfire in colorado history. and rodney king the man at center of the 1992 los angeles riots, dead. the 47-year-old was found in his swimming pool this morning. >> and what may be a huge relief to global markets, the people of greece electing to stay in the euro zone, the conservative party winning today's vote.
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>>gregg: wisconsin, look at this. no presidential republican presidential candidate has won wisconsin since 1984. ronald reagan did it. but romney is not lead. pat what do you make of this? i have seen other numbers that confirm how close this is. what is tell nothing that, in all the states we are seeing, the 9 percent and 5 percent, and 4 percent undecided, they are leashing obama. they are in motion. this state which was close in 2000 and 2004, it is amazing. this is why the electoral vote is down for obama under 220. >>gregg: how much of the big money from rich folks in the super pacs that support specific candidates, obama and romney
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here, how much of that is affecting the battleground states? >> it is. and it will continue to. the bottom line in this election, no one is talking about this, the republicans will have close to half a billion, if not more, that the democrats cannot answer if those ten battleground states. it could be decisive in the close election that pat was talking about in wisconsin and other states. >>gregg: i read in the "new york times" that adelson is going to funnel tens of millions on behalf of the super pac's for romney? >> what doug did not say all of, there is a huge desparity, when you imply there is a lot of super pac money for obama but there is not. it is all for the republicans. >>gregg: really? >> donors have been dropping off. >>gregg: and the coke brothers, who are loaded with
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money, from wichita, kansas, they are funneling a lot of money. all the republicans really want obama out. and they are really coalescing in a way no one thought they would do. >> i want to talk about james carvelle and greenburg who are living their pistols at obama campaign. >> they have said not absence of a vision and a message for the future, obama will not succeed. >>gregg: here is what they said. we will face an impossible headwind in november if go not move to a new narrative for a better future for the middle class. >> is this not what we have been say diagnosis -- saying for weeks. same thing in colorado, saying this message of, we were right, the economy is working, you are crazy. you have no message. this is, these democrats are
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worried, now, they will lose and people are starting to worry about what it does to the house. >> i am thinking back on obama and cleveland, 55 minutes, as president of the united states, with the country you wanting to be led by this man, and he sits there trashing romney for 55 minutes. the president of the united states is supposed for be above that. the v.p. can do the attack. >> if he said come to the white house, speaker boehner, come to the house senator mcconnell. forget ideology and politics. >> the real problem, obama needs to say i made mistakes and this is how i will make it different and to show you that i will start doing it. greg i end with one morass -- one another rasmussen poll. own 18 percent are happy with their candidates. >> 65 percent say they wish
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there were another candidate. >> this has never happened i. >> unprecedented legal of dissatisfaction. >>gregg: put up the poll, 19 percent are happy with the two-party nominee. look at that. incredibly low number. >> we have nominees locked in. and this is a harbinger of ill for obama because referendums are elections on incumbents. >>gregg: the president is about to play the 100th round of golf, attended 150 fundraisers more than the four predecessors combined and he gives more speech than any president in american history. are republicans losing an opportunity to criticize him? all are they ever. which is, he goes -- democrats and independents, should say he tolls you he is for you but look who he hangs out. the country is burning and she doing this. >>gregg: our campaign insiders, you can get more from them every monday at 10:30
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a.m., by following them on twitter. check them out. >>heather: so, gregg happy father's day. and now to learn your father from a couch pay to state to a lean clean machine. [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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>>heather: welcome back. this father's day give dad a gift that will last a lifetime: the gift of good health. >>gregg: is that what you are going do give me? >>heather: yes! >>gregg: research shows that new dads are actually packing on the pounds but many do not see themselves as overweight so a great way to get dad in shape, start jogging this summer. health and fitness expert is here, now, with six ways to get dad moving. obviously, we are talking abouts running. running on a friend mill. >> ill-will start running now. all why run? all running is ideal. i will tell you why. if you want to lose weight it burns more calories than any other aerobic activity. double the categories of
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walking, a time crunch, it is effective and efficient. and it is totally convenient. you need no people. you need no equipment. you can run down the street, too. and, you can do it anywhere. at hope. at the jim. on vacation. out your front door from work. so, it is perfect. >>heather: and you burn more if you run and do interviews at the same time. >>guest: this is the first time i have run on a treadmill on tv. >>heather: if you buy a treadmill, some advice? >>guest: it is a great gift for father's day. then you have it, in your house, staring at you every day. calling you. and, you have made a financial commitment or someone else has, if it is a gift so you feel more compelled to do it. it's ease fore some people to run on a treadmill because you are not two miles out stranded in the middle of nowhere you can step off and run. >>gregg: no new york city do
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you not have to dodge the pedestrians. is a hip to set a goal? >>guest: people have a hard final getting off the couch and out the door. so, what i like to do is tell yourself, five minutes. all i have to do is run for five minutes. so, we you are five minutes in, reassess. is the blood flowing. do you feel better? you can run longer. so you run ten. 15. 20. >>gregg: i am exhausted just watching you. you sure you want to continue this and the interview simultaneously? >>heather: make a play list. >>guest: listen to music. this is more important on a treadmill. people watch tv, that will make you dizzy and people like to relax and watch tv. running is not a time to feel relaxed and associate it with that. so this new nano on my watch comes with a fitness clock, to
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tell you your speed and your distance and how many calories you have burned for $130. >>gregg: you are doing an interview, running and laying with your nano. what are the other tips, you have create a calendar. >>guest: people would keep a written record of their work outs are more likely to continue doing them. it is like when you are a kid and you saw a gold star next to your name, you --. greg i never saw that. >>guest: just like that. i like the idea of a calendar because you can hang it on the wall and it is staring at you. you want to see your progress. you want to see a star next to each day, or something written in. hit health you can listen to your body, which we are assuming you are doing right now. >>guest: if you are in pain. stop. people try to push through. i am starting a running program i have to run. so, my knees hurt, and, really, that is not a thing i want to cough. people do not run because they have bad knees.
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but studies shows that running can help your knees and build the muscles around it so it makes the knees stronger. >>gregg: it is okay to walk, right? >>guest: can i will do right now. >>gregg: i lost uncalories jut watching. >>guest: there is in written in stone contract when you say you are going for a run. >>gregg: thank goodness we are out of time, for you. happy father's day everyone. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ] [ barks ] ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barks ] beneful playful life is made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day.
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"fox news sunday" with chris wallace.
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>> chris: i'm chris wallace. did officials in the obama administration leak sensitive national secrets to help the president win reelection? we'll find out just how damag damaging the leaks are. and discuss who should lead the investigation with david plouffe, senior advisor to president obama. joe lieberman, chairman of the senate homeland security committee and former cia dire t director general michael hayd n hayden. plus, a big change in immigration policy. we'll is ask our sunday panel is it amnesty and will it help the president win hispanic voters. and our power player of the week puts a nonpolitical price tag on congressional actions all right now on "fox news sunday." hello again and happy father's day from fox news in washington. we are going to if he cuss on the extraordinary series of


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